5 Ways to Improve your Week as a SAHM

Picture this:

You just put your kids to bed, and you sit down to try to relax, and feel – blah? You finally have some time to yourself, but you look back on the day and have regrets, or beat yourself up for not being the best mom you could be. Or maybe, you feel like you didn’t do enough with your kids, or didn’t do enough for yourself. You want to be successful and find ways to improve your week as a SAHM, but now you’re just too tired to do anything? I’ve felt that, too!

I truly believe you cannot pour from an empty cup. There are days that I barely make it through the day, and days that I feel like I “rocked” the mom-life. I have found that there are distinct differences in those days, which I am about to share with you- in hopes they can make things different for you, too!

There are so many tips and suggestions out there of things to do with your kids. This list includes realistic tips that focus on mama, so that you can have a successful, fulfilled week as a stay-at-home mom!

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Here are 5 ways to improve your week as a SAHM:

1. Start your days with Jesus

I know – how? You need sleep, and don’t want to wake up any earlier. Your kids are loud. The house is chaotic. How can you have quiet, one-on-one time with God?

The answer is: you may not. Spending time with God may be different than what you picture. Instead of waiting for the perfect time to have quiet-time with God (to be real- that may never happen), open your Bible up at the table while the kids are eating breakfast. Open it up on the couch while the kids play near you.

Let them be loud. Let them interrupt you. In fact, expect and welcome interruptions. God created you, He created your babies, and He knew the exact babies for you. This is a chaotic season. Embrace it, but don’t let it keep you from getting into the word. Spending time with God will renew your spirit. It will fill your cup. Whether it is a chapter or a few verses, let Him speak to you each morning. A plus– your kids will see you prioritizing time with God. They see.. everything.

2. Set weekly goals for success, not daily

No daily goals? Nope! Not here. I learned this the hard way. I broke out my planner, and wrote: Monday- devotional, my laundry, one math lesson. Tuesday- devotional, hubby’s laundry, one Language Arts lesson, outside time… etc. You get the point. Well, by Tuesday, I was already failing! I would forget to move the laundry over to the dryer. Or I wouldn’t get the kids outside because.. I didn’t have the energy. Then I would feel like a failure for not meeting my goals. 

Introducing- weekly goals. In my planner, I left the “days” blank, and on the side notes section, I wrote out: This week I want to do: 4 math lessons, clean the bathroom, etc. 

This made things so much more realistic. On the day I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I wouldn’t worry about the laundry. The day I woke up and felt like I could tackle the world, I would do two math lessons with my homeschooled daughter. This has been a game changer, friends! On my shop my faves page, you can find the Bible that has changed my life, along with my go-to homeschool planner.

3. Do something for you

Whether it is exercise, or sitting down with a cup of coffee- make it happen. I know, easier said than done, right? There are no rules to how we run our day. Want to hop on the treadmill? Break out a toy the kids haven’t seen in a while, and let them play while you’re on it. Set up an art project and let them get messy, while you drink your cup of coffee.

Don’t feel bad about prioritizing some time for yourself. 

In our house, our kids know that every day there is quiet time. Our 6 year old does art. Our 3 year old usually naps (or plays), and our 1 year old naps. So every day around 1pm, it is “mama’s” quiet time, too. Set expectations and explain why everyone (including them!) needs a break sometimes. 

4. Wear something that makes you feel confident

Casey… this is random, and shallow! No my friends, I promise you this changes things. I don’t mean go on a shopping trip at Nordstrom. I mean- that outfit that makes you feel cute.. confident? You know the one. Or maybe your hair or painting your nails is what makes you feel confident. I am just saying – don’t avoid your nicer clothes just because “you’re not going anywhere”. 

It is extremely rare that I end my day feeling successful if I wear what I slept in.

If I am not already wearing a bra, it is way harder to convince myself to take the kids and dog for a walk. I have a few two piece sets of loungewear that I feel so cute and confident in, and it just does something to my mentality. I like to describe my go-to mom style as: “Comfy-Cute”. You can find my current favorite set here.

5. Eat & drink water before coffee

This may be last on my list but it certainly is not least. Coffee is not a meal. I have found that when I start my day with coffee, it almost tricks me into thinking I consumed something – and I put off eating breakfast. I then find myself more irritable. Lunchtime rolls around- and my patience is thin. I don’t want to make the kids lunch when I haven’t even eaten anything myself!

Whether it is a protein shake or a yogurt, take in something other than coffee! Each morning, I pull a yogurt out of the fridge, and fill a glass of water. I wash down my vitamin, eat my yogurt, and then put the coffee on! I promise you, this will help immensely! 

Don’t feel guilty prioritizing these things! Our kids don’t need perfect moms, they need moms who love the Lord, and show them how important it is to take care of ourselves!

If you want to improve your week as a SAHM, you need to give yourself grace; and being realistic with our goals is a way of being kind to ourselves. I am praying you have a beautiful and blessed week! If you try these suggestions, let me know in the comments!

Deuteronomy 4:9: "Guard yourself and guard your soul very carefully".

love and blessings,

– Casey